How to access the automation library?
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The HTTP Analyzer automation library is packaged as COM components. both Stand-alone and Add-on can be fully controlled by using OLE Automation.
There are two technologies to use OLE Automation, one uses variants and IDispatch, the other uses dispinterfaces and standard COM interfaces. Using variants is usually the easiest, the most terse, but also the slowest way to get things done in terms of performance. Using COM interfaces is usually the most difficult, the most verbose, but also yields the highest performance. One of the biggest consequences of calling the methods of an object off a variant is that IDE cannot type-check your code at design time. But the interface and dispinterface technologies get design time type-checking of OLE objects. Delphi and other some win32 languages (e.g. visual basic) support both technologies. .Net languages (e.g. C#, VB.Net) utilize COM objects by using the .NET COM interop feature. JavaScript and other some scripting languages only can access COM objects by using variants and IDispatch.

Programming in Delphi
Programming in C#
Programming in JavaScript