Find/Search Dialog
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The "Find/Search" Dialog is shown below. Use the new "Find" dialog to "globally" locate text in the log of recorded requests. The search attributes can be: URLs, headers, Cookies, Query strings, Post data, contents, stream....


Text to Find
Enter a search string or click the down arrow next to the input box to select from a list of previously entered search strings.

Case sensitive    Differentiates uppercase from lowercase when performing a search.
Whole words only   Searches for words only. (With this option off, the search string might be found within longer words.)

Forward    From the current position to the end of the file. Forward is the default.
Backward   From the current position to the beginning of the file.

The search scope can be: URLs, headers, Content, Cookies, Query strings, Post data, stream....

Find Next
Click this button to find the next match for the specified text.